Education is an heirloom, a catalyst for growth and engine for social equity

Education is a valuable inheritance that shapes the future of nations. In the twenty-first century, our teaching colleges serve as vital institutions of higher learning, poised to ride the wave of educational advancement. As former President Obama once stated, if we are to “win the future,” political leaders at the federal, state, and local levels must recognize the immense value of nurturing a technically literate workforce and an educated citizenry.

Human Investment

Throughout history, the field of education has often been neglected in terms of capital, be it human, financial, or infrastructural, despite the pressing need for its development. It is essential to acknowledge the historical context that influences the task at hand. Educational reforms should primarily focus on achieving more with fewer resources for the majority while providing greater choice for those who have the means. Although the American economy currently has enough workers for entry-level and college-degree-dependent positions, the profound division among our people is largely a result of the decline of the middle class.

Adult Education

The education and reeducation of generations of domestic workers have always served as an underappreciated economic engine. The future of the United States’ global standing, economically, socially, and politically, largely hinges on bridging the gap left by the vanishing middle class. Insufficient skilled workers hinder the seamless progression of financial opportunities. While adults don’t solely pursue learning for improved wages, benefits, and economic stability, these factors undoubtedly serve as significant motivators, especially in the aftermath of the largest recession in recent memory.

Our Teaching Colleges

Within the realm of education, the interconnected concepts of public service, intellectual freedom, collaborative learning, and intellectual property create a platform for my professional acumen. Throughout my academic journey, I have focused on how adult learners can best benefit from entrepreneurship and scientific education. Specifically, I aimed to explore effective approaches for teaching scientific inquiry and technical applications to students of all backgrounds. Hope, when combined with the power of scientific knowledge, becomes an incredibly potent tool for promoting social justice. My aspiration is to forge a path that utilizes the inclusive nature of science, enabling the development of economic opportunities for those who are financially marginalized.

By investing in education, we not only foster economic growth but also cultivate a more equitable society. Education holds the key to overcoming the challenges posed by a disappearing middle class. It empowers individuals, nurtures talent, and paves the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all Americans.