The Art of Leadership: A Study of Artists as Catalysts for Change in the Face of Technological Disruption


This article attempts to explore the role of artists as leaders in society and business, particularly in the context of the ongoing strike in the motion picture industry. It highlights the works of Nikki Giovanni and Chris Wells as examples of artists who use their platforms to address societal issues, create communities, and inspire change. The article argues that artists have a unique ability to lead in society and can serve as catalysts for change in the face of technological disruption.


The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing has brought about a seismic shift in various industries, not least of which is the motion picture industry. The rapid digitization and industrialization of the product and delivery medium have raised concerns about the weaponization of these technologies against human labor. In response, writers and actors in the industry have taken a stand, leading a strike that is more than just a labor dispute. It is an act of leadership, a call for a more ethical and equitable use of technology where human labor is valued and protected.

Artists as Leaders:

Artists, with their unique ability to challenge the status quo and speak truth to power, are well-positioned to lead in this new landscape. Two such artists, Nikki Giovanni and Chris Wells, serve as exemplars of this leadership role.

Nikki Giovanni, a celebrated poet, writer, commentator, activist, and educator, uses her art to explore and address issues of race and African American culture. Her work serves as a powerful testament to the impact of art on society. Giovanni believes that artists have a responsibility to address the issues that society often ignores or overlooks. Her insightful exploration of race and culture through her art is a potent demonstration of this responsibility.

Chris Wells, a performer and writer, is the artistic director of The Secret City, a non-profit organization that he founded in 2007. The Secret City presents community art celebrations featuring storytelling, visual art, guest performers, a live band, a community choir, and playful interaction. Wells sees his role as an artist and a leader as intertwined, with his artistic ability being his greatest strength as a leader. He has created a community around the principles of art-making, creativity, and the spirit inherent in art-making that connects people.

The works of Giovanni and Wells underscore the potential of artists to lead in society and business. They demonstrate how artists can use their platforms to address societal issues, create communities, and inspire change. In the face of technological disruption, their leadership serves as a beacon, guiding society towards a more equitable and just future.

Giovanni’s exploration of race and culture through her art challenges societal norms and provokes thought and discussion. Her work serves as a reminder that artists can and should use their voices to address societal issues and effect change.

Wells, on the other hand, has created a space where people can come together to celebrate art and creativity, fostering a sense of community and connection. His work with The Secret City demonstrates how artists can lead by creating spaces for community, creativity, and connection.


The ongoing strike in the motion picture industry is a powerful example of leadership in action. It is a call for a more ethical and equitable use of technology, where human labor is valued and protected. Artists like Nikki Giovanni and Chris Wells exemplify how artists can lead in society and business, using their art to address societal issues, create communities, and inspire change. Their work serves as a reminder of the power of art and the important role that artists can play in leading society towards a more equitable and just future.

UNCSA. (2023). Nikki Giovanni: The Artist as Leader. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from

UNCSA. (2023). Chris Wells: The Artist as Leader. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from