Balanced Journalism vs. Responsible Journalism

The recent decision to invite former President Donald Trump to speak at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention has sparked significant controversy and backlash. While the intention may have been to showcase balanced journalism, this move has proven problematic for several reasons.

Historical Context and Sensitivities

Former President Trump’s history with the Black community and his track record of inflammatory remarks have created deep-seated mistrust and resentment among many Black Americans. His comments about prominent Black journalists, such as calling April Ryan “nasty” and a “loser,” highlight a pattern of behavior that many find disrespectful and dismissive of Black voices. Inviting a figure with such a contentious history to address a convention meant to uplift and support Black journalists seems counterproductive and tone-deaf.

Internal Division and Resignations

The announcement of Trump’s participation led to immediate internal strife within the NABJ. Karen Attiah, a co-chair of the event and a Washington Post columnist, resigned in protest, stating she was not consulted about the decision and implying it contradicted the event’s values. This resignation underscores the internal discord and the impact of such decisions on the organization’s leadership and unity.

Perceived Endorsement

While the NABJ does not endorse political candidates, the invitation could be misinterpreted as a form of endorsement or normalization of Trump’s behavior and policies. This perception is particularly harmful given the NABJ’s role in advocating for the rights and representation of Black journalists. Hosting a figure who has been accused of undermining these very principles can be seen as a betrayal to its members and mission.

Safety and Comfort of Attendees

Prominent voices within the NABJ, including Carron J. Phillips, have described the convention as a “safe haven” for Black journalists. The presence of Trump, given his divisive rhetoric, threatens this safe space, making it uncomfortable and unsafe for many attendees. Phillips went so far as to call the decision the “single dumbest and worst decision in NABJ history”. Ensuring the safety and comfort of its members should be a priority for the NABJ, and this decision seems to have failed in that regard.

Impact on LGBTQ+ Members

The chair of the NABJ’s LGBTQ+ task force, Femi Redwood, expressed concern about not being included in the decision-making process, highlighting the specific harm Trump’s policies and rhetoric have caused to Black queer and trans individuals. Ignoring these sensitivities not only alienates a significant portion of the membership but also undermines the intersectional approach needed to address the diverse issues within the Black community.

Balanced Journalism vs. Responsible Journalism

While balanced journalism involves presenting multiple viewpoints, responsible journalism must consider the context and impact of those viewpoints. Inviting Trump to speak at a Black journalists’ convention may offer a semblance of balance but fails to recognize the broader implications of providing a platform to a figure whose actions and words have often been harmful to the community the NABJ represents.

The decision to invite former President Trump to the NABJ convention was intended as a commitment to balanced journalism. However, the backlash and resignations it prompted highlight that this approach was misguided. The NABJ must prioritize the well-being, safety, and trust of its members over controversial attempts at balance. The fallout from this decision serves as a critical reminder that responsible journalism involves careful consideration of the context and impact of the platforms we provide.


  • Ramirez, I. (2024, July 30). Trump invite to Black journalist convention sparks a backlash. POLITICO. Retrieved from Politico