Project 2025 is the Blueprint to American Fascism: Part 2

The unveiling of Project 2025, orchestrated by the Heritage Foundation and various conservative organizations, has stirred significant controversy and concern. Amidst its pages of policy proposals and government restructuring plans, critics are sounding alarms over its apparent alignment with authoritarian and fascist principles.

At its core, Project 2025 seeks to concentrate power within the Executive Branch, echoing the unitary executive theory which advocates for nearly unbridled presidential authority. This theory, long a subject of debate in American politics, has found renewed vigor in the Trump era. The plan’s emphasis on absolute presidential control, particularly over agencies like the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission, resonates with a fundamental tenet of fascism – the centralization of power and the undermining of institutional checks and balances.

The project’s approach to staffing the government is equally alarming. It envisages a massive overhaul of the federal civil service, replacing thousands of current employees with those loyal to conservative ideology and, by extension, to Trump’s vision. This strategy, reminiscent of the fascist regimes of the 20th century, promotes loyalty over merit, echoing the tactics used by authoritarian leaders to consolidate power.

Furthermore, Project 2025’s social and environmental policies bear the hallmarks of fascist ideology. Its stance on LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, and climate change denial not only reveals a regressive approach to social issues but also mirrors the fascist propensity for science denial and the suppression of minority rights. The project’s call to outlaw pornography and revoke LGBTQ+ protections under the guise of “child welfare” and “sexual liberation” is particularly concerning, as it uses moral panic to justify the curtailment of civil liberties.

The plan’s treatment of the media and its role in democracy is also indicative of fascist tendencies. By seeking to exert control over communications agencies like the FCC, Project 2025 threatens the free press, a cornerstone of democratic society. This is in line with fascist practices of controlling and manipulating information to maintain power and suppress dissent.

Moreover, the proposal to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act is a stark reminder of the fascist inclination towards militarism and the use of force to quell opposition. Such measures, if implemented, could lead to an unprecedented militarization of domestic governance, eroding the fundamental principles of civilian control and democracy.

While Project 2025 is presented as a blueprint for conservative governance, its underlying themes and proposals bear a disturbing resemblance to the ideologies and practices of fascist regimes. Its emphasis on centralized power, loyalty over merit, suppression of minority rights, control of the media, and militarization signal a dangerous drift towards authoritarianism. As such, Project 2025 should be viewed not just as a political roadmap, but as a warning sign of the potential erosion of democratic values and institutions in the United States.

  1. Wikipedia. (2023, November 13). Project 2025. Retrieved from
  2. The Nation. (n.d.). [Article on Project 2025]. Retrieved from
  3. The Atlantic. (n.d.). [Article on Project 2025]. Retrieved from
  4. Mother Jones. (n.d.). [Article on Project 2025]. Retrieved from
  5. MSNBC. (n.d.). [Article on Project 2025]. Retrieved from