Are there too many charities? Yes.

The nonprofit sector has experienced exponential growth over the past few decades, raising questions about its sustainability, efficiency, and impact. This review synthesizes information from multiple sources to examine the current state of the nonprofit sector, identify challenges, and propose potential solutions. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding that could guide policymakers, nonprofit leaders, and researchers.


The nonprofit sector plays a pivotal role in addressing various societal issues, from poverty alleviation to environmental conservation. However, the rapid proliferation of nonprofit organizations has led to concerns about market saturation, competition for funding, and overall effectiveness. This review aims to delve into these issues by examining the growth trends, challenges, and potential avenues for enhancing the sector’s efficiency and impact.

Growth and Current State of the Nonprofit Sector

Scale and Economic Impact

According to Fora Financial, the nonprofit sector has grown by 20% in recent years, largely due to increased social awareness and the ease of starting a nonprofit. The sector employs over 12.3 million people and contributes significantly to the U.S. economy (Fora Financial, n.d.).

TeamStage reports that the nonprofit sector is the third-largest employer in the U.S., with 1.56 million registered nonprofits. These organizations have a combined annual revenue of $2 trillion, making them a significant economic force (TeamStage, n.d.).

Zippia adds another layer to this by revealing that nonprofits employ 10% of the U.S. workforce and 7.4% of the worldwide workforce. The total U.S. nonprofit annual revenue is $2.62 trillion, accounting for 5.7% of the United States GDP (Zippia, n.d.).

Market Saturation and Competition

A study featured on Nonprofit Hub examined 291,320 nonprofits across 3,141 counties in the U.S. The study found that nonprofit health starts to decline when a county has more than three nonprofits per 1,000 residents. It also highlighted that the impact of nonprofit density varies depending on the field of activity and market competition (Nonprofit Hub, n.d.).

Challenges Facing the Nonprofit Sector

Market Saturation

The rapid growth has led to market saturation, making it difficult for nonprofits to secure funding and operate efficiently (Fora Financial, n.d.).

Competition for Resources

With an increasing number of nonprofits, there is fierce competition for limited resources, including grants, donations, and skilled labor (TeamStage, n.d.).

Operational Inefficiencies

Many nonprofits face operational challenges, including high administrative costs, that affect their ability to deliver on their missions effectively (Zippia, n.d.).

Potential Solutions for Enhancing Efficiency and Impact

Strategic Mergers and Partnerships

To avoid duplication of efforts and resources, nonprofits could consider merging or forming strategic partnerships (Nonprofit Hub, n.d.).

Focus on Impact Measurement

Nonprofits should prioritize impact measurement to demonstrate their effectiveness and attract more funding (Fora Financial, n.d.).

Government Regulation

Regulatory bodies could implement stricter criteria for the establishment of new nonprofits, ensuring that only organizations with a clear mission and sustainable plan are approved (TeamStage, n.d.).


While the growth of the nonprofit sector indicates a heightened social consciousness, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed for the sector to remain sustainable and impactful. Strategic interventions, including mergers, impact measurement, and government regulation, could be the key to optimizing the sector’s performance.

Questions for Further Research

  1. Is Market Saturation Inevitable?: Given the current growth trends, is market saturation an inevitable outcome, or can it be managed through strategic planning?
  2. Role of Technology in Nonprofits: How can technology be leveraged to improve operational efficiencies and impact measurement in nonprofits?
  3. Sustainability vs. Impact: Is there a trade-off between the sustainability and the social impact of nonprofits, and how can this balance be optimized?


Fora Financial. (n.d.). Why The Nonprofit Sector Has Grown. Retrieved from Fora Financial

TeamStage. (n.d.). Nonprofit Organizations Statistics. Retrieved from TeamStage

Zippia. (n.d.). 26 Incredible Nonprofit Statistics. Retrieved from Zippia

Nonprofit Hub. (n.d.). Are There Too Many Nonprofits in America? Retrieved from Nonprofit Hub