Homelessness surges

Amidst the economic recovery and post-pandemic rebuilding, a crisis is deepening in the shadows of America’s cities and towns. Homelessness, a longstanding issue, has taken a turn for the worse. Recent data and studies have shed new light on the complexities of this problem. This report explores the current state of homelessness, drawing on the most recent insights from July 2023.

The Scope of the Problem: A Recent Surge

Homelessness is reaching record levels in cities like Los Angeles and New York, according to a July 2023 report by NPR. Despite significant spending and efforts to provide shelter, the number of people living on the streets continues to grow. This recent surge underscores the urgency of addressing this multifaceted crisis.

The Affordable Housing Crisis: A Deepening Problem

A lack of affordable housing has long been recognized as a central issue in homelessness, but recent data has highlighted the severity of the problem. Over the past decade, the number of rentals under $600 has fallen by nearly 4 million, leading to double-digit rent spikes in many places around the U.S. Zoning laws and local opposition further exacerbate the issue, as detailed in recent reports from NPR and The Atlantic.

Misconceptions and Myths: A New Perspective

A common belief that California’s homelessness crisis is driven by an influx of people from other states has been debunked by a large survey released by UC San Francisco in July 2023. The study found that 90% of homeless individuals lost their last housing in California, challenging previous assumptions and guiding new policy directions.

The Impact of COVID-19: An Ongoing Challenge

The pandemic’s role in the homelessness crisis has been complex. While aid programs helped keep many housed, the winding down of these programs has led to a rise in evictions, as reported by NPR. The end of eviction moratoriums and rental assistance programs has created a new wave of challenges in the post-pandemic landscape.


The recent insights into America’s homelessness crisis reveal a problem that is both growing and evolving. The July 2023 reports from NPR and The Atlantic provide a timely examination of the current state, from the deepening affordable housing crisis to the debunking of longstanding myths.

As the nation grapples with this unseen crisis, a comprehensive and compassionate approach is needed more than ever. Governments, nonprofits, and communities must come together to create sustainable solutions that address the root causes of homelessness.

Ludden, J. (2023, July 12). Why can’t we stop homelessness? 4 reasons why there’s no end in sight. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/12/1186856463/homelessness-rent-affordable-housing-encampments

Demsas, J. (2023, July). The Root Cause of the Homelessness Crisis. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/california-homelessness-housing-crisis/674737/

Researchers at UC San Francisco. (2023, July). [Largest representative survey of homeless people in more than 25 years]. Unpublished raw data.