Classrooms at the Crossroads: Steering AI

Just as the wheel, one of humanity’s most transformative inventions, can be used to either carry food to nourish a village or weapons to wage war, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education holds the potential for both constructive and destructive outcomes. The wheel revolutionized transportation and, in doing so, became a catalyst for change in civilizations. Similarly, AI has the capacity to change the landscape of education. This essay explores the concept of AI as the modern-day “wheel” in education, which can either enhance the teacher’s role, akin to carrying food, or threaten to replace them, akin to carrying weapons.

AI: The Wheel in Modern Education

The introduction of AI into education is akin to the introduction of the wheel in ancient societies. It promises to redefine the efficiency and scope of teaching. However, the direction it takes depends on how it is wielded. AI could be the cartwheel that carries bountiful harvests to the classroom, enriching it with personalized learning, data-driven insights, and freeing teachers from administrative burdens. Conversely, AI could also be the war chariot wheel, carrying the weapons that could besiege the traditional role of teachers, making their presence less vital.

Feeding the Classroom: The Beneficial Harvests of AI

Like the wheel bearing the fruits of the harvest, AI has the potential to nourish education:

  1. Personalized Learning Cornucopia: AI’s adaptive learning platforms are like a cart full of diverse resources, catering to the varied learning needs and paces of students.
  2. Time-Saving Grains: By taking over administrative tasks, AI frees up teachers’ time much like how the wheel made transportation of goods more efficient, allowing farmers more time for other essential activities.
  3. Global Connections of Trade Routes: AI can connect classrooms worldwide, similar to how the wheel enabled trade routes, fostering global collaboration and cultural exchange among students.

Waging War: The Double-Edged Sword of AI

However, just as the wheel was adapted for war chariots, AI can also be wielded in ways that can be detrimental:

  1. The Siege on Emotional Connection: AI lacks the emotional intelligence that teachers bring. Teachers are like the protectors of the emotional well-being of students, but with AI taking a front seat, this vital aspect risks being besieged.
  2. The Arrow of Data Privacy: AI systems often require extensive data, and without proper safeguards, the wheel that brings innovation could also carry the arrows that pierce through the armor of data privacy and security.
  3. The Inequality Catapult: The availability of AI might create divisions between well-resourced schools and underfunded ones, much like how having chariots gave some ancient armies an advantage over others.

Guiding the Wheel: Teachers and AI in Harmony

To ensure that AI serves as the wheel that carries food and not weapons, it is essential to recognize and value the irreplaceable human elements that teachers provide. Like guiding the wheel to ensure it follows the right path, educators, policymakers, and AI developers must work together to ensure AI supplements teachers, enhancing their capacity without overshadowing their roles.

The wheel, when used wisely, could change civilizations by boosting agriculture and trade, but when used for conquest, it could also bring destruction. Similarly, AI, the wheel of modern education, can be a transformative force for good if harnessed correctly. It is up to society to steer this wheel, ensuring that AI nourishes the educational experience with its bounty, rather than wielding it in a way that undermines the invaluable human touch in education. Like a skilled charioteer, the education system must learn to control and guide AI, balancing its immense potential with a conscious preservation of the fundamental values of


Educators, much like the ancient navigators of the wheel, must be adept at guiding the course. They must be trained to integrate AI tools effectively in their teaching practices and should be involved in the decision-making process regarding the implementation of AI in classrooms.

Moreover, ethical considerations, data security, and the digital divide should be addressed head-on, much like the ancient societies adapting the wheel had to consider the ethics and consequences of its use in war and peace.

The Road Ahead

As we move forward, the integration of AI into education should be approached with caution, wisdom, and foresight. Just as the wheel needed strong hands to guide it and a clear path to follow, AI requires careful handling and ethical guidelines to ensure it benefits the educational journey.

We must ensure that AI becomes the wheel that transports the enriching fruits of knowledge, innovation, and global collaboration into the classroom. At the same time, we must be vigilant and cautious, so that it does not turn into a chariot bearing the weapons of impersonality, inequity, and data insecurity.

By steering the wheel of AI with care, we can make sure that this powerful tool augments the abilities of human teachers, enriches the learning experiences of students, and paves the way for an educational system that is adaptive, inclusive, and profoundly human.


AI in education is like the wheel – an invention with the potential to change the world. The path it takes, whether it be the one laden with nourishing harvests or armed with the implements of war, is in our hands. Through thoughtful implementation, collaboration, and a deep understanding of the value of human interaction in education, we can guide the wheel of AI down the path that strengthens and enriches education for all. Like the ancient civilizations that thrived with the wise use of the wheel, the education landscape can flourish with well-guided AI, embracing its benefits while conscientiously navigating its challenges.