Because what is known must be shared

While working on a project for my father, I became reacquainted with the OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). Founded in 1967 as the Ohio College Library Center, it is one of, if not the, main digital backbones of library collections in the world.

In an era defined by digital transformation and information overload, has emerged as a vital force, revolutionizing the way libraries and cultural institutions operate. As a global cooperative,’s relentless dedication to fostering collaboration, advancing knowledge, and connecting communities has paved the way for a brighter future for libraries worldwide., formally known as the Online Computer Library Center, has been at the forefront of library automation and shared cataloging since its inception in 1967. Over the years, it has evolved into a dynamic organization that consistently adapts to the changing landscape of information management and technology.

One of the most notable achievements of is its creation of WorldCat, a comprehensive online catalog that aggregates library collections from around the world. This monumental database provides users with unprecedented access to a vast array of resources, enabling researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts to explore an unparalleled wealth of knowledge. By breaking down barriers and connecting libraries across continents, has transformed the way information is discovered and shared.

Beyond the realm of cataloging, has also pioneered innovative solutions that empower libraries to serve their communities more effectively. With tools like EZproxy, WorldShare, and Tipasa, the organization has streamlined resource sharing, interlibrary loans, and collaborative workflows. These technological advancements have not only enhanced efficiency but have also strengthened the global network of libraries, ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to valuable resources.

Furthermore, has been a driving force behind initiatives that promote cultural preservation and digital archives. Through projects like the OCLC Research Library Partnership and the Web Archiving Community, the organization has played a pivotal role in safeguarding our collective heritage for future generations. By harnessing the power of technology and collaborative expertise, has transformed the way we preserve and share our cultural treasures.

The significance of’s work cannot be overstated. By championing the values of collaboration, innovation, and open access, the organization has solidified its role as a catalyst for positive change within the library community. Its commitment to inclusivity and accessibility ensures that libraries, regardless of their size or location, can thrive in an increasingly digital world.

As we express our gratitude for the invaluable contributions of, we must also acknowledge the remarkable individuals behind the scenes—the librarians, archivists, and technologists who tirelessly work to make the organization’s vision a reality. Their unwavering dedication to improving access to information has transformed countless lives and inspired a new generation of library professionals. has undeniably reshaped the landscape of global libraries, providing the tools, platforms, and services necessary for their continued evolution and success. Through their pioneering spirit, collaborative ethos, and tireless pursuit of knowledge, has truly revolutionized the way we discover, preserve, and share information. As we move forward, let us celebrate and appreciate the incredible work of, an indispensable pillar of the library community. Thank you for the assist.